Pinocchio ran away, trying to put as much distance as he could between him and the snake. However, it was late, and he succumbed to terrible pangs of hunger. Pinocchio approached a tree which he saw had muscat grapes. Famished, he reached up to grab the grapes. As soon as he raised his hands, CRACK, he felt his legs clamped tightly between two sharp irons that made him see all the stars there were in the heavens. Pinocchio writhed in pain and began to scream.

A firefly came and asked, "How did you get your legs clamped between those sharp irons?" Pinocchio responded, "I came into the field to pick a few bunches of muscat grapes." The firefly said, "Are the grapes yours?" "No," Pinocchio said. "Hunger, my boy, is not a good reason for appropriating what is not yours."

Suddenly, the owner of the field grasped Pinocchio by the scruff of the neck and carried him all the way home just as he would carry a little lamb.
